Monday, August 10, 2020

Top Tips for using the Avaya Scopia Video conferencing device

The Avaya Scopia video conferencing device is an incredibly powerful piece of modern technology that helps to speed up your business communications and make them more effective.

The following top tips will help you use your video conferencing device more effectively:

Understanding your Video Conferencing Needs

Most people today have personal video capable devices in their iPhones, iPads, Android smart phones and tablets, but understanding and assessing your unique business requirements will ensure that you have the best possible mobile video conferencing solution and devices.

Consider these ideas:


·        Why does your business require video conferencing and video conferencing devices?

·        Do you expect to achieve cost reductions?

·        Do you need to consider mobile and remote employees?

·        Are you wishing to reduce or eliminate expensive and inconvenient travel requirements?

·        Do you wish to enhance productivity?

·        Do you consider having high quality video conferencing devices important?


·        How many people do you need to include in your video conferences?

·        How many video conferences do you need to have at one time?

·        Are you mainly interested in point to point (two party conferencing) or multi-party video conferencing?

Most business’s find that when high quality video conferencing is freely available amongst staff and employee’s, the use of this form of communication increases because it’s much quicker and more convenient. Because of this it’s a very cost effective measure for reducing inefficiencies and increasing overall output. This can mean you may need to scale up your total video conferencing capacity sooner that you might expect, so it’s advisable to take this factor into account when deciding on your requirements.


You need to consider the types of mobile video conferencing devices you will need to be able to connect to, or support.

·        Are you going to require the ability to easily link your video conferencing to your customer’s, patients, students or suppliers?

·        In times such as these with the COVID-19 threat of forced quarantine and separation which can only be expected to become more common over time, will your video conferencing devices and your chosen system be adequate for your future needs?


Define the exact usage you require to avoid paying service you do not require

·        Do you need to share documents, spreadsheets and files?

·        Will you want to record video conferencing sessions on your device?

·        Are there any legal compliance issues?

·        What are your existing video conferencing capabilities and devices?

Bandwidth Requirements

Video can use a lot of bandwidth so it’s important to assess your current requirements and consider your future needs. Different data and video collaborations or conferencing solutions can manage your bandwidth requirements differently.

Most employees and customers will wish to connect over non-managed networks so you need to consider the quality issues this could present.

The Avaya Scopis Video Conferencing Device can adjust for different network conditions such as drops in data transmission flow or available wave width so that the received video quality is adjusted to ensure transmission continues.

The Avaya Scopia video conferencing device is extremely easy to use and very cost effective allowing for increased communication within your business and well as to your customer’s, patients, students or suppliers increasing your profitability.